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Media about us
24 May 2021
Программа «Вести» о проекте «Эфферон»
13 May 2021
«Фильтры» для микробов: есть ли рынок для новых методов «очищения» крови?
13 May 2021
Ловушка для токсина
13 May 2021
Уникальная разработка: в России создано и уже одобрено новое средство для лечения сепсиса
Critical Care 2024, 28(Suppl 1):P220
Hemoperfusion with Efferon LPS NEO device reverts multiple organ failure, decreases IL-6 and TNF levels and systemic immune inflammation in children with sepsis
Shock. 2023 Jun 1;59(6):846-854
Hemoperfusion using the LPS-selective mesoporous polymeric adsorbent in septic shock: a multicenter randomized clinical trial
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2022, 10(2): 000710
Extracorporeal hemoperfusion with Efferon LPS for rapid reconstitution of vital parameters and decreasing proinflammatory biomarkers in patients with intra-abdominal sepsis
Critical Care 2021, 25(Suppl 1): P041
Hemoperfusion with the Efferon CT extracorporeal adsorbers containing mesoporous styrene–divinylbenzene copolymer (SDC) in patients with severe COVID-19
World Journal of Medical Case Reports. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2021, pp. 46-50.
Application of novel device Efferon LPS in hemoperfusion for simultaneous removal of endotoxin and cytokines in a patient with septic shock
Therapeutic archive. 2021; 93 (7): 811-817
Extracorporeal adsorption of cytokines in cytokine release syndrome in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after therapy with T cells with a chimeric antigen receptor. Clinical observation
General resuscitation. 2020; 16 (6): 31-53.
Application of adsorbent based on a hypercrosslinked styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer with an immobilized LPS-selective ligand in hemoperfusion for the treatment of patients with septic shock
General resuscitation. 2020; 16 (4): 14-20.
Hemosorption carried out by a column filled with hypercrosslinked styrene-divinibenzene copolymer with an immobilized LPS-selective ligand in a complex of intensive treatment of acute lung injury in the surgical treatment of lung cancer (clinical observation)
General resuscitation. 2018; 14 (6): 51-60.
Efficiency and safety of a new product for LPS-selective hemosorption (experimental study)
General resuscitation. 2016; 12 (6): 82-107.
Sorbents for extracorporeal removal of toxic substances and molecules with unwanted biological activity (review)
22 July 2024
New distribution agreements in European countries
29 April 2024
Efferon LPS receives CE mark under EU MDR
20 April 2023
Results of LASSO mRCT are published in Shock
Company news