Efferon has participated in LIVES 2022 – annual 35th Congress of European society of intensive care medicine in Paris.
We have presented a single-centred randomised clinical trial with n=33 on Efferon LPS hemoperfusion in abdominal sepsis patients.
It was shown that Efferon LPS hemoperfusion:
– results in trend of mortality reduction;
– yields a significant 4-fold decrease in septic shock duration in survived patients: 46(34-74) hours vs. 168 (71-272) hours;
– reduces multiple organ failure rate (SOFA=2 in Efferon LPS vs SOFA=7 in control group on day 3) and improves oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2=300 in Efferon LPS group and 230 in control group on day 3);
– decreases proinflammatory biomarkers (CRP, procalcitonine, Il-6), lactate and endotoxin.